Monday, November 27, 2006

End of liberal Europe

I wonder if the grab of multiculturalism Europe has been living under since the 60’s is being unmasked today, more and more governments while reiterating they are multi-cultural are banning symbols of religion primarily aimed at suppressing the freedom of other religions viewed as ‘barbarian’ to Europe, Islam being targeted the most. Everybody knows the Christian cross these days is more of a fashion accessory rather than a show of faith in the religion (and at times a way to show rebellion against the state). So the moment the government makes it unlawful, it will also becomes untrendy. There for most it doesn’t matter. I sometimes I wonder if the real face of Europe is being exposed (I’m talking of politics of pseudo-secularism and not the people in general). At a time when the policy of multiculturalism was introduced in Europe in the 60’s I believe it was thrust upon a society which saw it a way to show its liberalism to distant itself from suppressive ideologies of fascism and Nazism. But I always suspected if that came as a reaction to the prevailing situation at that time in Europe or for those it really reflect what European values stand for? My answer is coming in bits and pieces. First France, then Britain and now the Dutch. The multicultural mask seems to be coming off. The directive clearly seems to be directed at discouraging more immigration (also brewing anger by those liberal Muslims who have successfully embarrassed western liberalism after coming to Europe).
During a conversation with a right wing trader from Poona on my way from Delhi to Bombay we started discussing on religion and Indian nationhood. He said “we Indians always have had a very compatible approach to immigrants. Foreigners have invaded us again and again looting out money, strength, resources while raping our daughters and sister… but we have never been aggressive, our approach has always been ‘you-can-come-and-live-in-our-neighborhood-we don’t-have-any-problem-till-the–time- you-don’t-interfere-in-our-affairs’”. His ideology never appealed to me (apparently he justified the Gujarat pogrom), his word did. Indians hardly call themselves multicultural, even the liberal Hindus are not inhibited to voice out their disapproval of their kins marrying Muslims and in proclaiming their differences with them. It a pragmatic approach rather than being pseudo-secular. It always leads to a situation that Europe is facing today. Multi-cultural face on the outside and xenophobic on the inside. It’s a realitya that Europe must come to term with, today or tomorrow, by hook or by crook, the immigrants (Muslims are the ones they are worried about the most) are now an inseparable part of modern day Europe. If they stop working the European industry will come to a standstill. It’s a typical clash of civilization theory coming to reality. You have an option you either deny its existence or accept it’s a reality and make provision that the clash doesn’t go out of hand. As they say its better to be hated for what you are than be loved for what you are not.
A wonderful adver I found on, enjoiiii....
(Hint: Pause at the 11th second)


Anonymous said...

Maybe this is more "just" on its part, but France bans, and always has banned, religious symbols of any kind from state-run schools. For example, students are not allowed to wear crosses (even if their motivation for wearing them is not religious; look at the girls who wore crosses to emulate Madonna) or Jewish stars of David.

I will be honest: I think there is some difference between a girl wearing a cross or star of David and one wearing a headscarf or burka. For example, I don't think most parents would force their daughters to wear a cross or star of David even if they were devout Christians or Jews, respectively. However, and this was from a report from France, apparently some female teens were happy at the ban on headscarves because they said their parents were forcing them to wear them. Again, not all girls who wear headscarves are being forced to do so, but I think there's a higher chance than a girl wearing a headscarf to school is not always doing so out of choice than is a girl wearing a cross.


Jasmeet said...

In my opinion I would protest the blanket ban on "all" religious symbols. And it's not about banning a "symbol" per say. It depicts, on the larger picture, a deliberate action aimed at a particular community (The Muslims in these cases)

Anonymous said...

I am not 100% sure, but I think the ban on religious symbols was in force long before the conflict with Muslims began. I think it has to do with France's effort to have a complete separation of church and state, which I believe started way back during the French Revolution. Again, I'm not definitely sure about this.


Jasmeet said...

You are right about the fact of separation of the state and the church and it being in place since the 17th century. And well if thats the case then why close public institutions on Chirstmas? Isn't this mixing religion with the state?